A Father’s Reflections By Obed’s Father from Little Shepherd by Cheryl Malandrinos

I can’t help but wonder what might have happened had he decided not to join us. Obed is sleeping peacefully by the fire now, but it wasn’t that long ago he was filled with anxiety. He heard the wolves howling; we all did. Yet, how does one ignore a message from God as glorious as the one we witnessed earlier tonight? I may never see anything like it again in my life.

An angel announcing to us, mere shepherds, that a Savior has been born. The light, it was as bright as a million stars. I could feel the heat of it washing over me while I shielded my eyes. The heavenly hosts, more than I could count, all praising God—imagine how awestruck I was. And then, when I suggested we go to Bethlehem to see what had happened there, the boy thought I had lost my mind.

Obed has never questioned me before, but suddenly, he seemed older than his five years, asking me if I truly meant we would leave the sheep. Perhaps it surprised me too. Yet, how could we not go after witnessing such a sight?

Part of me was being selfish. I wanted to see this baby in the manager just as much as the others. Would I resentfully have stayed behind if Obed refused to leave his flock? Probably. It wouldn’t have been safe to leave them alone. But why do I say that after all I’ve seen tonight? Wouldn’t the same Lord who sent the angles have protected them if I went with the others? I would like to think so, but even now my thoughts are jumbled.

What does this Savoir mean for us? What does it mean for Obed? I could see our visit made an impression upon him, but he hasn’t spoken much of it. Perhaps after a night’s rest, all our questions will be answered.

Cheryl Malandrinos is a freelance writer, children’s author and editor. Her first children’s book, Little Shepherd, was released in August 2010 by Guardian Angel Publishing. She is also a member of the SCBWI.

Cheryl is a Tour Coordinator for Pump Up Your Book, a book reviewer, and blogger. She is also a former contributor for the Writer2Writer eZine. Ms. Malandrinos lives in Western Massachusetts with her husband and two children. She also has a son who is married.

Visit Cheryl at her newly redesigned website http://ccmalandrinos.com/ or visit the Little Shepherd book blog at http://littleshepherdchildrensbook.blogspot.com/.

About Nyx

Podcaster, baker, zine reviewer and maker.

Posted on November 15, 2011, in Character Interview, Christian. Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. Thank you for allowing Obed’s father to spend some time with your readers. A video trailer for the book can be found on my Little Shepherd blog, whose link is posted in my bio above.

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